Day 2



在您完成今天的挑戰後,請在貼文下回覆「Day 2 完成」。時限為 8/2 01:00AM(凌晨一點)


⭐ 任務





⭐ 今日金句




⭐ 梵咒

Aham Bramasmi

Aham Bramasmi

Aham 是我,Bramasi 是梵天
Aham Brahmasmi,意思是「我存在的核心是終極的實相、宇宙的本體、萬事萬物的源頭。」




⭐ DAY 2 重點:

1) 靜心:聽音檔、唸梵咒

2) 在筆記本裡寫下「我從無窮無盡的源頭創造生命的豐盛」,今天不斷提醒自己。

3) 在筆記本裡完成今天的任務:列出你的債務和開銷。

4) 在入睡前完成

完成今天的挑戰之後,請留言寫下「Day 2 完成」。歡迎你和大家分享第一天的心得,這個群組就是要支持大家、給予大家力量來完成這趟旅程!


Kudos to you all whom have committed to this practice & already completed your first day.

Please remember if you are finding it too challenging to commit, please remove yourself from chat. No judgment. It is to maintain the energy and flow of abundance. It may seem simple to some people but not to others.  Remember that if it’s difficult for you to perform any task, there is a block - an obstacle in your mind on the path towards attaining abundance.  Just be aware of this and stick with it. 🙂 

After you complete the task, please write:  "Day 2 done."


⭐ Task

Write all of your debts in your notebook.

Debt on a bank account, credit cards, loans, debts to individuals, court debts - all of your debts, of any kind.

No need to record the amount, only who is owed and for what.

For example:  a mortgage, a car loan, a debt to VISA for a gift to Shelly, etc.

And after that make "a list of all your monthly payments."

Again without numbers, just *listing.*

For example: renting an apartment, electricity, gas, land tax, water, an accountant, a kindergarten, a music tutor, a gym, a manicure, insurance, gasoline, etc.

Everything you have to pay each month should be recorded.

In general, create a complete list of sources of your monthly expenses, constant and changing.

For some, this list will be extensive. Give yourself time to calmly walk through all the areas of your life in which you pay money. You may need to add what you remember throughout the day.


⭐ Phrase

Write this phrase of the day in your notebook:

I create my personal abundance from an infinite source.


⭐ Mantra

Aham Bramasmi

Aham Bramasmi

Answer the question, “What does abundance mean to you?” If you want, you can write the answer in your notebook.




1. Meditation: Listen to the audio. Repeat the mantra.

2. Write the phrase of the day in your notebook:

Remember it during the day.

3. Complete the assignment in a notebook - Write all of your debts in your notebook.

4. All of this is due by Tonight

After you have completed the task, please write “Day 2 Done.”

You are welcome to share your experience on completing the task for Day 1.  This group is for supporting and empowering each other on the journey!

    創作者 耀群 的頭像


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